You are a company or self-employed and you have problems to obtain a credit line, you want to remain flexible and limit your fixed costs, you don't know which size of van is the most suitable for your business….
Long-term rental is for you, you can't go wrong.
With our long-term rentals from 30 days, The Rental Car Factory offers a very interesting alternative to lease contracts or credits for both companies and individuals.
Our competitive rental rates on a wide range of new and nearly new personal vehicles and vans, combined with the flexibility and simplicity of our long-term rental offers may be the best solution for you or your company.
Advantages of the long-term rental:
Our rates are all inclusive so you don't need to worry about the maintenance and service of the vehicle, the tire, brake, oil, filter changes, the insurance coverage, assistance, the road taxes, the technical checkups... We take care of everything and everything is included in the rate. This makes the long-term rental a hassle free, money and time saving great opportunity.
You will always drive vehicles of the latest generations, which are safer and thriftier.
it is tax deductible (for companies and self employed)
you can opt for a low or medium-range term. Doing so you won't have to commit to monthly payments for years as it would be the case if you opted for a lease or financing. At the end of the rental contract, you can either decide to stop or extend it.
You will avoid having to take a credit to buy a vehicle and being reported as having an open credit line.
If you opt for a long-term rental, we can customize the vehicle with your company logo. Quote on request
We do have a wide range of personal vehicules and utilitary vans available for long-term rentals only that are not advertised on this website. Please contact us to receive some additional information about the vehicles and rates.
Main features
Vehicles of the last generation equipped with all the necessary equipments: GPS, cruise control, air conditioning, bluetooth, park assist...
Flexible term contracts
Omnium insurance with a limited excess
Free 24h/24 7d/7 European wide assistance
Inluding maintenance, repairs, insurance and taxes
Free replacement vehicle in case of maintenance or repair

Our flexible all-in formulas for private individuals only offer you advantages:
Vehicle selection from a range of new models
Excellent alternative to leasing or car credit
All-inclusive recurring invoice
No hidden costs - all maintenance, taxes, insurance, ... are included
Replacement vehicle in case of repair or maintenance - You will never be left without a vehicle

Long-term rental is interesting for tax purposes, very flexible and an addition to your fleet of vehicles:
Tax deductible
Includes a replacement vehicle in case of repair or maintenance - You will never be left without a vehicle
Total flexibility - Quick and easy expansion of your fleet during busier periods
Vehicle selection from a range of new models
All inclusive - Insurance, 24/7 European assistance, taxes, many kilometres, maintenance, repairs... are included in the rental rate
Alternative to leasing and car loan - All-inclusive periodic invoice - No loan from your bank needed